Cfp Usa Politics



Call for Peace

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful


United States of America




How Incest Developed?

Brothers and Sisters! 

Assalam o Alleyykum 

[Peace be Upon You]

Brothers and Sisters!

Brothers and Sisters! Question emerges why Allah has to create Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and thereafter Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) was given birth from Hazrat Adam’s (PBUH) Rib on the left side near heart, entered them in Wedlock and asked them to go to Jannah (Paradise) to live forever a luxurious life?


Brothers and Sisters! In fact Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) are combination of body and soul and their offspring is also combination of body and soul. When the mankind will die the body will be buried and soul will be taken to life hereafter. The question arises who was in body and soul?


Brothers and Sisters! Whoever is within the body and soul he or she proclaim the ownership of the body. For example he or she says to the effect:


·                 my body

·                 my head

·                 my brain

·                 my face

·                 my ears

·                 my lips

·                 my nose

·                 my hands

·                 my feet

·                 my legs

·                 my ankles

·                 my knees

·                 etc., etc.


Brothers and Sisters! When some deeds are done, these are done by the body parts. For example:


·                 mind is thinking but he or she says to the effect: I thought, I am thinking


·                 hands are holding something but he or she says to the effect: I am holding something


·                 legs and feet are walking but he or she says to the effect: I am walking


·                 etc., etc.


Brothers and Sisters! It is the body parts who are doing a deed. So technically he or she ought to be saying to the effect:


·                 my mind is thinking but he or she says: I am thinking


·                 my hands are holding something but he or she says: I am holding something


·                 my legs and feet are walking but he or she is says: I am walking


Brothers and Sisters! Question emerges who is “I”? Deeds are done by body parts but an unseen entity proclaims the deeds being done by him.


Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Allah has revealed answer to the question “Who is ‘I’” in the Qur’an:


Translation Surah Al Insan Ayat no. 1 – 9


بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم


Has there not been over Insan (man) a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning?


کبھی گزرا انسان پر ایک وقت زمانے میں کہ نہ تھا وہ کوئی چیز جو زبان پر آتی۔



Verily, We have created man from Nutfah (drops) of mixed semen (sexual discharge of man and woman), in order to try him: so We made him hearer and seer.


ہم نے بنایا آدمی کو ایک دو رنگی بوند سے ق ہم پلٹتے رہے اس کو پھر کر دیا اس کو ہم نے سننے دیکھنے والا۔



Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful


ہم نے اس کو سجھائی راہ یا حق مانتا اور یا نا شکری کرتا ہے۔.


Brothers and Sisters! “I” is an “Entity”. The ‘Entity’ is given body which consists of various parts to do Good Deeds and refrain from doing Bad Deeds. The body was given to the “Entity” to test if he or she performs Good Deeds and refrain from Bad Deeds. The “Entity” was briefed what is right and what is wrong.




Brothers and Sisters! The subject matter is how the incest developed?


Brothers and Sisters!  The natural phenomenon is that sexual urge emerges when boy and girl or man and woman glance each other’s facial and body features irrespective of what is the relation between the two “Entities” is.


Brothers and Sisters! The whole mankind is offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). So technically “Entities” men and women are brothers and sisters. So as the “Entities” are brothers and sisters, therefore they cannot enter in Wedlock and satisfy their sexual urge.


Brothers and Sisters! To overcome this issue it was determined by Allah that bio – logical offspring of the parents cannot enter into Wedlock or have sexual affairs.


Brothers and Sisters! This rule was also applied to the bio – logical offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH).


Brothers and Sisters! Every time Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) conceived she gave birth to twins. One boy and one girl. By the rule they were bio – logical brother and sister. She conceived second time and again given birth to twins. The two sons and two daughters were bio – logical offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). So technically they could not get married.


Brothers and Sisters! In this case Allah made and exception. Daughter born with Qabeel will enter in Wedlock with Habeel. And daughter born with Habeel will enter into Wedlock with Qabeel.


Brothers and Sisters! Qabeel wanted to enter into Wedlock with the sister born with him. He was adamant and would not listen.


Brothers and Sisters! As Qabeel was adamant to marry with the sister born with him, Allah, with His Grace, proposed to Habeel and Qabeel to give some Qurbani (Sacrifice) for the sake of Allah. The one who’s Qurbani is accepted b Allah, he can enter into Wedlock with the girl born with Qabeel.


Brothers and Sisters! They both gave Qurbani. Habeel’s Qurbani was accepted where Qabeel got furious. He killed his brother Habeel and kidnaped his sister and established sexual relationship.


Brothers and Sisters! In short, this was the start of ‘Incest’.


Brothers and Sisters! Incest has been developing underground for years and did not come on the scene. But in modern age man and women are free to wear the dress which expose their bodies. Parents, sons and daughter watch TV programs together. The sexual urge bound to emerge and eyes of brothers and sisters will exchange messages and eyes of father and daughters and eyes of mother and son will exchange messages and, eventually it will lead to incest.


Brothers and Sisters! A story was read in a book composed by a Muslim Alam e Deen which is as follows:


·                 Brother was getting ready to go out.


·                 Sister asked: where are you going?


·                 Brother replied: to satisfy my sexual urge.


·                 Sister said: What I am here for?


·                 Both had sexual intercourse.


·                 Afterwards sister told brother that she has better sexual satisfaction with father.


·                 Brother replied: mother say the same thing.


Brothers and Sisters! Incest has developed because women do not wear Hijab when they are in the house. This is bound to happen.


Brothers and Sisters! As below are the examples of Incest. Quora Digest appears to be an organization which receives some question to be answered. As below are the headings of the questions:



My 12-year-old sister asked me if she can come to my apartment for a sleepover. Is it weird if I have her sleepover with me? I’m 26 years old. I am her big brother.

بہن بھائی

Brother and Sister




My husband has made our 17 year old daughter pregnant. What should I do?

باپ بیٹی

Father and Daughter




My son got his sister pregnant. Should I ground them?


بہن بھائی

Brother and Sister




Did your brother impregnate you? Do you have kids from your brother? If none, do you have a plan of having your brother’s baby in your belly?


I have two daughters with my older sister, and she is pregnant with me for the third time, (never an abortion), after four months we will have our third baby, I hope that my sister is well and the baby


بہن بھائی میاں بیوی طرح رہ رہے ہیں۔

Brother and Sister are living like Husband and wife



From a woman with experience. I had sexual intercourse with my younger brother a few years ago. I did end up pregnant with his baby. But ended up in a miscarriage 3 months into the pregnancy. We do engage in sex on occasion and don’t see anything wrong with it. We are both consenting adults۔

بہن بھائی کے درمیان حمل ٹہرا اور ابھی تک ملتے ہیں۔

Brother made her Sister pregnant



My son saw me when I was taking a shower. What do I do?


بیٹا ماں کو برہنہ دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجاتا ہے۔

Son satisfy his Sexual Urge by seeing his Mother Naked




My 8 year old son touched my 5 year old daughter inappropriately. How

should I address this?


آٹھ سال کی عمر میں جنسی خواہش کو بہن کے ساتھ پورا کرنا

8 years old brother wants to fulfil his Sexual urge with his Sister




My mom wants me to make her pregnant. What should I do?

ماں کا بیٹے کو ایک مرد کی حیثیت سے دیکھنا

Mother sees her son as a Man




I accidentally got pregnant by my 16-year-old son. What should I do?

ماں بیٹے کا ملاپ

Son made his Mother Pregnant





My dad keeps coming into my room at night while I am sleeping gets into bed with me and sleeps

There because he’s worried I’ll do something wrong. I’m 13. How do I get him to stop?

باپ کا بیٹی کو ایک لڑکی کے روپ میں دیکھنا

Father Looks his Daughter as Girl




I am 13 and my dad still doesn’t let me shower on my own. What should I do?

باپ کا بیٹی کو لڑکی کے روپ میں برہنہ دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجانا

Father satisfies his sexual urge by looking at her daughter naked



I found inappropriate toys in my 14 year old daughter’s room. What should I do?

لڑکی کا جنسی خواہش پورا کرنے کے لئے آلات کا استعمال کرنا

Girl satisfies her Sexual Urge by artificial instruments



Is it normal for my brothers and dad to look at my legs; what can I do? They only stare when I wear skirts, even with knee socks they look.

باپ اور بھائیوں کا بیٹی اور بہن کو لڑکی کے روپ میں دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجانا۔

Father and brothers satisfy their sexual urge by looking daughter and Sister like a young girl




Is it normal for brothers to get so comfortable around their sisters?

بھائیوں کا بہن کو لڑکی کی نظر سے دیکھنا

Brothers see their sister like a Girl




What can I do? My 12-year-old daughter got pregnant while at her dad’s house by the next door neighbors’ 17 year old son. Can I get full custody of my daughter?

چھوٹی عمر حاملہ ہو جانا

Getting Pregnant in early age




I am 13 years old and pregnant. I do not know who the father is.

چھوٹی عمر حاملہ ہو جانا اور کئی لڑکوں سے ہمبستری کرنا

Getting Pregnant in early age and sleeping with number of boys



My sister told me that our dad was doing annoying things to her in the night. She also told me that it wasn’t tickling, it was “other things”. Should I be concerned?

باپ کا بیٹی کو لڑکی سمجھنا

Father treats his daughter as girl




My little brother touched me inappropriately in front of my parents and they ignored it. What am I supposed to do?

چھوٹی عمر میں جنسی خواہش کا پوراکرنا اور ماں باپ کا نظرانداز کرنا۔

In early age satisfying sexual urge and parents ignore




My half-brother says he has feelings for me, what do I say to him?

سوتیلا بھائی محرم بن جاتا ہے جو سوتیلی بہن کو لڑکی کی نگاہ سے دیکھتا ہے۔

Step Brother is like a Mahram




My 2-year-old daughter just got her period. What should I do?

دو سال کی لڑکی (عورت) ماں بن سکتی ہے۔ ایسے واقعات بھی ہیں کہ ہوس پرستوں نے دو سال کی لڑکی کونہیں چھوڑا۔

Two year girl can become Mother, The sex Predators do not leave even 2 years girl




Brothers and Sisters!  The question emerges to the effect that is there any Guidance in the Qur’an where incest cannot take place?


Brothers and Sisters! Yes! There is:


Surah Bani Isra’iel Ayat no. 32





And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is Fahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him)


Brothers and Sisters!  If we look with an eagle eye bio – logical brothers and sisters are first to encounter the sexual relationship. In fact brother and sisters are “Entities” but they are represented by bodies. It is the body features which inspire the sexual urge. So they are likely to indulge in sexual relationship. This is why the above Ayat is elaborated by Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) and parents were advised that their offspring ought to sleep at night or otherwise separately: As below is the crux of the elaboration of the above Ayat of the Qur’an:


·       At the age of 7 years the brothers and sisters ought to sleep on separate beds.


·       Brothers cannot sleep on one bed together and sisters cannot sleep together on one bed.


·       If there is shortage of beds and brothers have to sleep on one bed then there must be something in between them. And if sisters have to sleep on one bed then there ought to be something in between them.


Brothers and Sisters!  You can see that as the above Guidance is not adhered to, Gay and Lesbian culture has developed and has become legal in most of the counties. Moreover, man can marry a man and woman can marry a woman. It will not be a surprise that if a survey is conducted which will reveal that most of brothers and sisters lose their virginity by having sexual intercourse with each other.


Brothers and Sisters!  As below are some further examples of incest:


·       Girl raped at least 16 times by her own dad


·       Oklahoma man is convicted of kidnapping his stepdaughter and holding her hostage for TWENTY YEARS while he raped and abused her, fathering nine children


·       Fritzl, 73, a retired engineer, confessed to incarcerating and sexually abusing his daughter Elisabeth, now 42, in a purpose-built dungeon in his cellar for over 24 years, forcing her to bear seven of his children.



Brothers and Sisters!  It appears that 1,400 years ago “Incest” was in practice where the above rules were determined in the elaboration of the Ayat of the Qur’an i.e. brothers and sisters not to sleep on one bed:



Surah Bani Isra’iel Ayat no. 32





And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is Fahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).


Brothers and Sisters!  However, in view of the context of the Hadith, where Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) did not order to stone death the woman who committed adultery until child was 2 years old and started eating bread.


Brothers and Sisters! As below is connotation of Hadith where if the baby is illegitimate the baby must not be killed.


·                 Once in Medina a woman approached Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) and confessed that she has committed adultery, she should be stoned to death as she would not want to burn in the Hell Fire.


·                 He (SAW) turned His face four times. Every time He (SAW) turned His face, she repeated that she has committed adultery, so please stone me to death.


·                 He (SAW) asked her to go back and see if she got pregnant.


·                 After one month she came and told Prophet (SAW) that she got pregnant.


·                 He (SAW) asked to go back and give birth to the child.


·                 After about a year she came back with a child.


·                 He (SAW) asked her to go back and breast feed the child so that the child nourishes and start eating bread.


·                 After two years she came back with the child who had a piece of bread in his hand.


·                 Then He (SAW) asked the people to gather and put her stone to death.


·                 When she was being stoned, some of her blood spread upon the clothes of a Sahabi (RTU) who uttered disgraceful words about her.


·                 The Prophet Mohammed (SAW) heard those words and said to him to the effect:


O Sahabi! Do not utter such words. She, with the Toffeeq of Allah, repented and begged forgive of her act in such a manner that her ‘Repentance’ if distributed over the whole population of Medina, they would have been forgiven by Allah (SWT).


·                 The child was given to a Bandi (Female Slave) for child’s brought up and Taleem o Terbiat (Education).


Brothers and Sisters! Zina i.e. illegal intercourse is one of the Gunah e Kabeerah (The Greatest Sins) where the proverb is to the effect:



Zina is the Mother of all Evils.


Please Remember in Dua’as




Naseer Aziz


Principal Call for Peace

Messages to Look for Peace



Brothers and Sisters! Please read the Post: Sponsorship in the Navigation Bar as to why it is needed to keep conveying the Messages to Look for Peace until the Day of Resurrection and how it will be expended until the Day of Resurrection.




Call for Peace

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful


United States of America




How Incest Developed?

Brothers and Sisters! 

Assalam o Alleyykum 

[Peace be Upon You]

Brothers and Sisters!

Brothers and Sisters! Question emerges why Allah has to create Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and thereafter Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) was given birth from Hazrat Adam’s (PBUH) Rib on the left side near heart, entered them in Wedlock and asked them to go to Jannah (Paradise) to live forever a luxurious life?


Brothers and Sisters! In fact Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) are combination of body and soul and their offspring is also combination of body and soul. When the mankind will die the body will be buried and soul will be taken to life hereafter. The question arises who was in body and soul?


Brothers and Sisters! Whoever is within the body and soul he or she proclaim the ownership of the body. For example he or she says to the effect:


·                 my body

·                 my head

·                 my brain

·                 my face

·                 my ears

·                 my lips

·                 my nose

·                 my hands

·                 my feet

·                 my legs

·                 my ankles

·                 my knees

·                 etc., etc.


Brothers and Sisters! When some deeds are done, these are done by the body parts. For example:


·                 mind is thinking but he or she says to the effect: I thought, I am thinking


·                 hands are holding something but he or she says to the effect: I am holding something


·                 legs and feet are walking but he or she says to the effect: I am walking


·                 etc., etc.


Brothers and Sisters! It is the body parts who are doing a deed. So technically he or she ought to be saying to the effect:


·                 my mind is thinking but he or she says: I am thinking


·                 my hands are holding something but he or she says: I am holding something


·                 my legs and feet are walking but he or she is says: I am walking


Brothers and Sisters! Question emerges who is “I”? Deeds are done by body parts but an unseen entity proclaims the deeds being done by him.


Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Allah has revealed answer to the question “Who is ‘I’” in the Qur’an:


Translation Surah Al Insan Ayat no. 1 – 9


بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم


Has there not been over Insan (man) a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning?


کبھی گزرا انسان پر ایک وقت زمانے میں کہ نہ تھا وہ کوئی چیز جو زبان پر آتی۔



Verily, We have created man from Nutfah (drops) of mixed semen (sexual discharge of man and woman), in order to try him: so We made him hearer and seer.


ہم نے بنایا آدمی کو ایک دو رنگی بوند سے ق ہم پلٹتے رہے اس کو پھر کر دیا اس کو ہم نے سننے دیکھنے والا۔



Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful


ہم نے اس کو سجھائی راہ یا حق مانتا اور یا نا شکری کرتا ہے۔.


Brothers and Sisters! “I” is an “Entity”. The ‘Entity’ is given body which consists of various parts to do Good Deeds and refrain from doing Bad Deeds. The body was given to the “Entity” to test if he or she performs Good Deeds and refrain from Bad Deeds. The “Entity” was briefed what is right and what is wrong.




Brothers and Sisters! The subject matter is how the incest developed?


Brothers and Sisters!  The natural phenomenon is that sexual urge emerges when boy and girl or man and woman glance each other’s facial and body features irrespective of what is the relation between the two “Entities” is.


Brothers and Sisters! The whole mankind is offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). So technically “Entities” men and women are brothers and sisters. So as the “Entities” are brothers and sisters, therefore they cannot enter in Wedlock and satisfy their sexual urge.


Brothers and Sisters! To overcome this issue it was determined by Allah that bio – logical offspring of the parents cannot enter into Wedlock or have sexual affairs.


Brothers and Sisters! This rule was also applied to the bio – logical offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH).


Brothers and Sisters! Every time Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) conceived she gave birth to twins. One boy and one girl. By the rule they were bio – logical brother and sister. She conceived second time and again given birth to twins. The two sons and two daughters were bio – logical offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH). So technically they could not get married.


Brothers and Sisters! In this case Allah made and exception. Daughter born with Qabeel will enter in Wedlock with Habeel. And daughter born with Habeel will enter into Wedlock with Qabeel.


Brothers and Sisters! Qabeel wanted to enter into Wedlock with the sister born with him. He was adamant and would not listen.


Brothers and Sisters! As Qabeel was adamant to marry with the sister born with him, Allah, with His Grace, proposed to Habeel and Qabeel to give some Qurbani (Sacrifice) for the sake of Allah. The one who’s Qurbani is accepted b Allah, he can enter into Wedlock with the girl born with Qabeel.


Brothers and Sisters! They both gave Qurbani. Habeel’s Qurbani was accepted where Qabeel got furious. He killed his brother Habeel and kidnaped his sister and established sexual relationship.


Brothers and Sisters! In short, this was the start of ‘Incest’.


Brothers and Sisters! Incest has been developing underground for years and did not come on the scene. But in modern age man and women are free to wear the dress which expose their bodies. Parents, sons and daughter watch TV programs together. The sexual urge bound to emerge and eyes of brothers and sisters will exchange messages and eyes of father and daughters and eyes of mother and son will exchange messages and, eventually it will lead to incest.


Brothers and Sisters! A story was read in a book composed by a Muslim Alam e Deen which is as follows:


·                 Brother was getting ready to go out.


·                 Sister asked: where are you going?


·                 Brother replied: to satisfy my sexual urge.


·                 Sister said: What I am here for?


·                 Both had sexual intercourse.


·                 Afterwards sister told brother that she has better sexual satisfaction with father.


·                 Brother replied: mother say the same thing.


Brothers and Sisters! Incest has developed because women do not wear Hijab when they are in the house. This is bound to happen.


Brothers and Sisters! As below are the examples of Incest. Quora Digest appears to be an organization which receives some question to be answered. As below are the headings of the questions:



My 12-year-old sister asked me if she can come to my apartment for a sleepover. Is it weird if I have her sleepover with me? I’m 26 years old. I am her big brother.

بہن بھائی

Brother and Sister




My husband has made our 17 year old daughter pregnant. What should I do?

باپ بیٹی

Father and Daughter




My son got his sister pregnant. Should I ground them?


بہن بھائی

Brother and Sister




Did your brother impregnate you? Do you have kids from your brother? If none, do you have a plan of having your brother’s baby in your belly?


I have two daughters with my older sister, and she is pregnant with me for the third time, (never an abortion), after four months we will have our third baby, I hope that my sister is well and the baby


بہن بھائی میاں بیوی طرح رہ رہے ہیں۔

Brother and Sister are living like Husband and wife



From a woman with experience. I had sexual intercourse with my younger brother a few years ago. I did end up pregnant with his baby. But ended up in a miscarriage 3 months into the pregnancy. We do engage in sex on occasion and don’t see anything wrong with it. We are both consenting adults۔

بہن بھائی کے درمیان حمل ٹہرا اور ابھی تک ملتے ہیں۔

Brother made her Sister pregnant



My son saw me when I was taking a shower. What do I do?


بیٹا ماں کو برہنہ دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجاتا ہے۔

Son satisfy his Sexual Urge by seeing his Mother Naked




My 8 year old son touched my 5 year old daughter inappropriately. How

should I address this?


آٹھ سال کی عمر میں جنسی خواہش کو بہن کے ساتھ پورا کرنا

8 years old brother wants to fulfil his Sexual urge with his Sister




My mom wants me to make her pregnant. What should I do?

ماں کا بیٹے کو ایک مرد کی حیثیت سے دیکھنا

Mother sees her son as a Man




I accidentally got pregnant by my 16-year-old son. What should I do?

ماں بیٹے کا ملاپ

Son made his Mother Pregnant





My dad keeps coming into my room at night while I am sleeping gets into bed with me and sleeps

There because he’s worried I’ll do something wrong. I’m 13. How do I get him to stop?

باپ کا بیٹی کو ایک لڑکی کے روپ میں دیکھنا

Father Looks his Daughter as Girl




I am 13 and my dad still doesn’t let me shower on my own. What should I do?

باپ کا بیٹی کو لڑکی کے روپ میں برہنہ دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجانا

Father satisfies his sexual urge by looking at her daughter naked



I found inappropriate toys in my 14 year old daughter’s room. What should I do?

لڑکی کا جنسی خواہش پورا کرنے کے لئے آلات کا استعمال کرنا

Girl satisfies her Sexual Urge by artificial instruments



Is it normal for my brothers and dad to look at my legs; what can I do? They only stare when I wear skirts, even with knee socks they look.

باپ اور بھائیوں کا بیٹی اور بہن کو لڑکی کے روپ میں دیکھ کر جنسی پیاس بھجانا۔

Father and brothers satisfy their sexual urge by looking daughter and Sister like a young girl




Is it normal for brothers to get so comfortable around their sisters?

بھائیوں کا بہن کو لڑکی کی نظر سے دیکھنا

Brothers see their sister like a Girl




What can I do? My 12-year-old daughter got pregnant while at her dad’s house by the next door neighbors’ 17 year old son. Can I get full custody of my daughter?

چھوٹی عمر حاملہ ہو جانا

Getting Pregnant in early age




I am 13 years old and pregnant. I do not know who the father is.

چھوٹی عمر حاملہ ہو جانا اور کئی لڑکوں سے ہمبستری کرنا

Getting Pregnant in early age and sleeping with number of boys



My sister told me that our dad was doing annoying things to her in the night. She also told me that it wasn’t tickling, it was “other things”. Should I be concerned?

باپ کا بیٹی کو لڑکی سمجھنا

Father treats his daughter as girl




My little brother touched me inappropriately in front of my parents and they ignored it. What am I supposed to do?

چھوٹی عمر میں جنسی خواہش کا پوراکرنا اور ماں باپ کا نظرانداز کرنا۔

In early age satisfying sexual urge and parents ignore




My half-brother says he has feelings for me, what do I say to him?

سوتیلا بھائی محرم بن جاتا ہے جو سوتیلی بہن کو لڑکی کی نگاہ سے دیکھتا ہے۔

Step Brother is like a Mahram




My 2-year-old daughter just got her period. What should I do?

دو سال کی لڑکی (عورت) ماں بن سکتی ہے۔ ایسے واقعات بھی ہیں کہ ہوس پرستوں نے دو سال کی لڑکی کونہیں چھوڑا۔

Two year girl can become Mother, The sex Predators do not leave even 2 years girl




Brothers and Sisters!  The question emerges to the effect that is there any Guidance in the Qur’an where incest cannot take place?


Brothers and Sisters! Yes! There is:


Surah Bani Isra’iel Ayat no. 32





And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is Fahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him)


Brothers and Sisters!  If we look with an eagle eye bio – logical brothers and sisters are first to encounter the sexual relationship. In fact brother and sisters are “Entities” but they are represented by bodies. It is the body features which inspire the sexual urge. So they are likely to indulge in sexual relationship. This is why the above Ayat is elaborated by Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) and parents were advised that their offspring ought to sleep at night or otherwise separately: As below is the crux of the elaboration of the above Ayat of the Qur’an:


·       At the age of 7 years the brothers and sisters ought to sleep on separate beds.


·       Brothers cannot sleep on one bed together and sisters cannot sleep together on one bed.


·       If there is shortage of beds and brothers have to sleep on one bed then there must be something in between them. And if sisters have to sleep on one bed then there ought to be something in between them.


Brothers and Sisters!  You can see that as the above Guidance is not adhered to, Gay and Lesbian culture has developed and has become legal in most of the counties. Moreover, man can marry a man and woman can marry a woman. It will not be a surprise that if a survey is conducted which will reveal that most of brothers and sisters lose their virginity by having sexual intercourse with each other.


Brothers and Sisters!  As below are some further examples of incest:


·       Girl raped at least 16 times by her own dad


·       Oklahoma man is convicted of kidnapping his stepdaughter and holding her hostage for TWENTY YEARS while he raped and abused her, fathering nine children


·       Fritzl, 73, a retired engineer, confessed to incarcerating and sexually abusing his daughter Elisabeth, now 42, in a purpose-built dungeon in his cellar for over 24 years, forcing her to bear seven of his children.



Brothers and Sisters!  It appears that 1,400 years ago “Incest” was in practice where the above rules were determined in the elaboration of the Ayat of the Qur’an i.e. brothers and sisters not to sleep on one bed:



Surah Bani Isra’iel Ayat no. 32





And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is Fahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).


Brothers and Sisters!  However, in view of the context of the Hadith, where Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) did not order to stone death the woman who committed adultery until child was 2 years old and started eating bread.


Brothers and Sisters! As below is connotation of Hadith where if the baby is illegitimate the baby must not be killed.


·                 Once in Medina a woman approached Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) and confessed that she has committed adultery, she should be stoned to death as she would not want to burn in the Hell Fire.


·                 He (SAW) turned His face four times. Every time He (SAW) turned His face, she repeated that she has committed adultery, so please stone me to death.


·                 He (SAW) asked her to go back and see if she got pregnant.


·                 After one month she came and told Prophet (SAW) that she got pregnant.


·                 He (SAW) asked to go back and give birth to the child.


·                 After about a year she came back with a child.


·                 He (SAW) asked her to go back and breast feed the child so that the child nourishes and start eating bread.


·                 After two years she came back with the child who had a piece of bread in his hand.


·                 Then He (SAW) asked the people to gather and put her stone to death.


·                 When she was being stoned, some of her blood spread upon the clothes of a Sahabi (RTU) who uttered disgraceful words about her.


·                 The Prophet Mohammed (SAW) heard those words and said to him to the effect:


O Sahabi! Do not utter such words. She, with the Toffeeq of Allah, repented and begged forgive of her act in such a manner that her ‘Repentance’ if distributed over the whole population of Medina, they would have been forgiven by Allah (SWT).


·                 The child was given to a Bandi (Female Slave) for child’s brought up and Taleem o Terbiat (Education).


Brothers and Sisters! Zina i.e. illegal intercourse is one of the Gunah e Kabeerah (The Greatest Sins) where the proverb is to the effect:



Zina is the Mother of all Evils.


Please Remember in Dua’as




Naseer Aziz


Principal Call for Peace

Messages to Look for Peace



Brothers and Sisters! Please read the Post: Sponsorship in the Navigation Bar as to why it is needed to keep conveying the Messages to Look for Peace until the Day of Resurrection and how it will be expended until the Day of Resurrection.






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